

Photo by JR Ancheta

Photo by JR Ancheta

Olena Ellis

I am a sculptural ceramicist and the themes central to my work are in reference to the internal landscape of individuals and the connection of the viewer to the emotional rich history we all possess. My motherhood journey started at a young age and included ecstatic joy as well as devastating losses. This pilgrimage of healing and self-discovery unearthed a deep well of experiences drawing inspiration from my own and other women’s journeys in life. I draw from bronze age relics, Jomon vessels, and other antiquities worldwide, finding comfort and truth. I work intuitively and spontaneously, exploring the physical, spiritual, and inner network of emotional bonds found within relationships within ourselves and our communities. Using symbolic narratives, I awaken heartfelt, unconscious reactions summarizing the internal landscape of individuals within the viewer, creating an optimistic space. Sharing experiences and wisdom of others encourages community growth in tandem with our individual journeys and solidifies no one is alone.